13th December, 2018


  • Theory:

    1. Like Phlogiston, fairies and witches, latent variables need to be abandoned
    2. Psychological disorders are a 'network' of causally interacting symptoms (Borsboom, 2017)

  • Practice:

    1. Estimate statistical models such as the Gaussian graphical model on cross-sectional data
    2. Visualize the network
    3. Compute so-called centrality measures for each node
    4. Interpret high scoring nodes as important, suggest them as intervention targets


  • Examples:

    • Stochl et al. (2018) studied well-being and find that 3 items are consistently the most central items
    • McNally et al. (2015) studied earthquake victims suffering PTSD (use the word causal 59 times)


  • Intervention is a causal notion!
  • The dominant causal inference framework is based on DAGs

  • Textbook example:

    • Strong correlation between number of storks (\(X\)) and number of human babies delivered (\(Y\); Matthews, 2000)
    • If we condition on economic development (\(Z\)), then \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent


Toy examples

  • Three ways in which information gets lost when moving from DAGs to MRFs

    1. Loss of directionality
    2. Conditioning on colliders introduces new undirected edges
    3. Multiple Markov equivalent DAGs can map to the same MRFs

Scale it up!

  1. Simulate data from a DAG
  2. Estimate MRF
  3. Compare true causal influence of nodes to their estimated centrality scores
  4. Observe how it changes as a function of network structure, network density, and number of nodes

Shiny App


  • All centrality measures except eigenvector centrality show a similar trend
    • Correlation decreases with network density and graph size
    • This is because distribution over centrality scores & causal influence differ in skew

  • Why do they differ in skew?
    • DAGs are a hierarchical ordered system of (linear) equations
    • Thus, nodes higher up the hierarchy have more pronounced causal influence
    • In contrast, MRFs drop directionality, thus obscuring this hierarchy
    • Moreover, MRFs 'marry parents' which bumps up the score of leaf nodes
    • This effect is stronger with increased network density, creating strong right-skew

  • Eigenvector centrality takes into account the importance of its neighbours
    • This propagates 'back', such that right-skew cannot occur
    • Therefore, the correlation is strong even with high network density


  • We have illustrated the (not so?) obvious

    1. Centrality measures do not straightforwardly map to causal influence
    2. (Single-symptom) interventions based on centrality measures may thus be misguided

  • What does centrality mean in psychological networks, anyway (see also Bringmann et al., 2018)?
  • I think of them as Cargo cult measures (see Feynman, 1974)


  • Our conclusions are conditional on the assumptions that causal DAGs are a good idea!
  • First, interpreting DAGs causally requires two important assumptions

    1. The causal Markov condition (see Cartwright, 1999; Dawid, 2010a,b)
    2. Faithfulness (see Ramsey, 2010)
  • Second, DAGs may be inherently limited (e.g., they disallow cycles)
  • Denny already argued in 2010 that DAGs are the wrong formalism for psychological phenomena

  • Natural extension: take a dynamical model as ground truth instead of DAGs
  • Check whether centrality measures recover meaningful patterns

  • In that sense, the paper Max Hinne and I wrote is a kind of Wittgenstein's ladder
  • Still, it seems we are trapped between a rock and a hard place!


Ways forward

  • Work out a different formalism that improves on DAGs and MRFs (e.g., Lauritzen & Richardson, 2002)
    • But that would still be cross-sectional

  • Bite the Pearlian bullet (in a good sense)
    • Try to combine experimental with observational data (Barenboim & Pearl, 2016)
    • Use quasi-experimental techniques to establish causality (Marinescu et al., 2018)

  • Use intensive time-series data
    • Continuous time modeling (Ryan et al., 2018)

  • Develope theoretical models that explain empirical findings and predict new ones
    • Mutualism in intelligence research (van der Maas et al., 2006)
    • Panic disorder in clinical psychology (Robinaugh et al., still in progress)
    • Attitudes in social psychology (Dalege, et al. 2016)
